Today's battle Arduino™ vs. Arduino® is missing a major point. Who were the real pioneers who made it all possible? |
Processing was developed by Casey Reas and Ben Fry and provides the IDE all the boards are using. It is also fully documented. Initially featuring Java, it explores new languages like Python with and JavaScript with p5*js. Wiring was developed as a thesis by Hernando Barragán and provided the framework used by all the boards. The Wiring framework is fully documented with a whole site Developers Reference. Wiring is currently working on the next generation object-based framework, Wiring++. | The Real Pioneers, Processing and Wiring |
Arduino® pays tribute to both pioneers and mention all the names, while Arduino™ only mentions Processing. It seems rather odd when Arduino™ asks for donations. Let's support Processing and Wiring instead. | Storm in a Teacup or Tempest in a Teacup? |