I²C smartNode Smart Device
This project is shared with the fischertechnik Corner website, as this smart device is intended for the fischertechnik RoboTX controller.
This part in more technical oriented. The smartNode smart device is very similar to the smartWiFi and the smartBLE, except it relies on Node-RED as broker and front-end instead of Blynk. Node-RED allows great flexibility: it runs on any terminal and powers a dashboard. The dashboard can be displayed on the same terminal or on another one, as a tablet or a smartphone throw any internet browser. |
Selecting the Framework and IoT Service
Contrary to the previously developed smartWiFi and smartBLE devices, smartNode relies on Node-RED instead of Blynk.
The alternative is Node-RED, which offers a GUI to design and display a dashboard for the end-user interface. In case of MQTT, the same terminal where Node-RED runs also hosts the MQTT broker. However, MQTT requires WiFi. Node-RED includes nodes for MQTT and Serial connectivity. |
Finalised and Working Sensor
Edited: March 17, 2017
Edited: March 17, 2017