Exploring RTOS with Galaxia on Energia MT
The availability of the MSP432 LaunchPad and Energia MT gave me the perfect opportunity to discover RTOS.
The new LaunchPad MSP432 brings two major innovations. |
I'm exploring the RTOS and developing libraries for Energia MT. The RTOS elements are encapsulated into classes with a consistent and minimal set of functions. Of course, all those libraries are developed with embedXcode, embedded computing on Xcode.
The goal is to provide libraries with the same ease of use as the Serial, Wire, SPI classes (among others) provided by the Wiring / Arduino framework. All the libraries are bundled in one single package called Galaxia. With LaunchPad, BoosterPack, Energia, let's stay in space and explore new galaxies! |
As at today, the libraries exist for the following RTOS elements:
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A series of tutorials were also posted on Hackster.io.