Getting Started with the MSP430 LaunchPad
How to discover embedded computing?
One major difficulty when trying to answer this question is the number of fields covered: electronics, computing, programming. Another difficulty is making the connections between those different fields. Finding a good book is key to make the exploration easy. Getting Started with the MSP430 LaunchPad provides such a guided discovery. |
A Progressive Introduction to Embedded Computing
The book offers a step-by-step introduction to embedded computing with hands-on projects.
Each chapter starts with a project, introduces the concepts and then discusses them. I really like the progressive approach and the 26 projects, from a blinking LED to a more complex musical instrument or message displayed on a LCD. The different Energia functions are introduced with examples easy to replicate: digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), analogRead(), analogWrite(). Although the Educational BoosterPack is the recommended companion for this book, schematics are provided for the corresponding breakout sensors and actuators on a breadboard, as the buzzer, the microphone, the accelerometer ADXL335, the 2 lines x 16 characters LCD, ... |
The book is fully illustrated with clear diagrams, pictures and schematics --alas in B&W. Please find the LaunchPad MSP430 pins map below in full colours.
Click to enlarge |
The Perfect Start-Up Kit
This book, bundled with a LaunchPad MSP430 and an Educational BoosterPack, provides the perfect start-up kit to discover embedded computing.
One major benefit is the affordable price, less than USD47.50, including: LaunchPad MSP430 4.30 + Educational BoosterPack 24.95 + book 17.95. One nice idea would be a bundle with everything included. |
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The major draw-back is the B&W used for the illustration, although the text refers to the colours of the pins.
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