IoT with Losant
Implementing the Example on Energia
Creating an application from scratch starts with defining a device, then fields for values.
Like other MQTT implementations, three codes are supplied and required. The Device ID is provided on the Application pane, but the Access Key and Access Secret are defined on the Access Key pane. |
The data explorer lists, plots and summarises the values of the states received.
I had no major issues porting the Arduino example to the CC3200 LaunchPad with the Sensors BoosterPack and Fuel Tank MK-II BoosterPack on Energia.
The initial example includes the Losant Arduino MQTT Client, which acts as an umbrella library and calls the MQTT and JSON standard libraries. It was easier to get rid of the dedicated library, and use the MQTT and JSON standard libraries for Energia directly instead. |
All the pages include a short help, with a link to the corresponding extended documentation.
There is a dedicated section for selected boards, for example for Getting Started with Arduino. The documentation also includes a repository of Tutorials and Projects. |
I like the workflow capabilities and the flexibility it brings.
Now, it may be redundant with a Node-RED environment installed on a local server, although it comes with a long list of nodes already installed and reasy-to-use. Losant is on the cloud and requires an active internet connection, but provides all the tools in one single place. |