Fuel Tank BoosterPack MK-II
This second generation of the Fuel Tank BoosterPack addresses most if all of the issues from the first generation of the Fuel Tank BoosterPack.
As its predecessor, it supplies the LaunchPad with 3.3V and 5V with an impressive 1200 mAh capacity, especially when used with ultra-low power MSP430 and MSP432 MCUs. The BoosterPack has one LED for charging. The LED for low power has been removed. There are two connectors, one for the LiPo battery and a micro-USB for recharge. The biggest improvement is the included massive switch. |
Contrary to the previous generation, the battery is below the board and components on top.
The BoosterPack includes four integrated circuits, very similar to the previous generation:
The library I've developed on Energia for the previous generation isn't compatible. |
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