Atom is the modular IDE from Github.
It provides a decent editor, offers GitHub integration and relies on extensions for almost everything else. It is very close to Visual Studio Code for its minimalistic approach and extensibility. |
Using make and the makefiles
I tried on Atom the makefiles I've been developing for embedXcode since 2010.
I've installed two extensions:
Build is launched with Cmd Alt B / Ctrl Alt B. |
Unlike Visual Studio Code, debugging isn't part of the standard package.
Looking for GDB resulted in a very long list of extensions, with no clear recommended option. |
Using Dedicated Extensions
Among the many Atom extensions dedicated to Arduino, PlatformIO appears as the most popular to build and link, upload, run and debug against a large selection of boards.
However, PlatformIO is a commercial extension, starting at 120 USD / year. Read the full review. |
I have mixed feelings about the minimalistic approach of Atom.
On the one hand, the extensions allow to pick the features and fine-tune the IDE to meet the exact requirements; on the other hand, selecting the right extension from a long list isn't easy, especially when there is no recommended option. Hence the welcome extensions like PlatformIO. Visual Studio Code provides an easier solution, even when used with makefiles. |