The ideas behind embedXcode were to go beyond the rather limited Arduino IDE and explore the use of a professional IDE with all the modern amenities like code-completion, colour-syntaxing, code-folding, to name a few.
Thanks to its modular structure and use of standard tools, embedXcode supported 81 platforms with 234 boards and variants embedXcode featured external debugging with OpenOCD and J-Link, automatic documentation generation with Astyle and Doxygen, and compiled libraries generation. |
Leaving Apple for Linux
The switch to Linux was surprisingly quick and easy.
In 2022
Today, emCode replaces embedXcode. It runs on Visual Studio Code on Linux. It uses the same makefiles developed for embedXcode.
Thanks to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and the remote development extension, the same configuration also runs on Windows. |
Other options
Today, the offer of advanced IDEs is large. Let's mention
Posted: 17 May 2021
Updated: 28 Sep 2021, 03 Jan 2022, 22 Apr 2022, 05 Sep 2023