4D Systems Arduino Adaptor
This Arduino-compatible shield provides an adaptor for the 4D Systems screens connected through the 5-way cable, including Picaso SGC, Picaso SPE and Diablo SPE series.
The 4D Display 5-way cable includes
The other connector on the bottom is labelled Programmer Cable / Adaptor but RX and TX aren't connected. |
Reversed /RESET Channel
For the gen4 screens, an additional board is required to connect the 5-way cable to the 30-way flat cable to the screen.
This is carried out by the Interface Board or gen4-IB, which also performs the crossing between RX and TX. Board's RX goes to screen's TX, and so does boards's TX to screen's RX. However, when the cable is plugged in the adapter, it hides the silkscreen with the labels of the signals. |
Here is the full configuration to connect an Arduino-compatible board to the gen4-uLCD-35DCT-CLB screen.
Once the reversed logic of the /RESET line was solved, I connected the 4D Systems screens successfully to the Arduino Uno using Software Serial on pins D2 and D3, and Arduino M0 Pro using Serial5 on pins D0 and D1 (pictured right). Speeds reached 115200 bps, and even 512000 bps on the Diablo16, with no loss of data.
The BoosterPack adaptor relies on the same reversed /RESET logic. |
Posted: Aug 09, 2017
Edited: Aug 14, 2017