4D Systems μLCD-32PT (SGC) Intelligent Screen
The μLCD-32PT (SGC) 3.2” Serial LCD Display Module from 4D Systems includes:
The screen is sharp and the colours are vivid. Touch is responsive and accurate, although it doesn't use the latest technology (resistive, not capacitive). The screen relies on its own fast micro-controller --shall it be called a GCU?— to manage the screen, touch, SD-card and sound, so the Arduino micro-controller is free. |
Everything Included
The GCU packs all the graphic primitives as well as three fonts, alas without the extended characters compulsory in Europe.
Only two pins are required for the UART serial connection, hardware or software. The screen works fine up to 115200 bauds with hardware serial. An optional 5th pin is recommended for hardware reset. The price of the screen may seem high, but it needs to be arbitraged against the purchase of a more powerful board. For example, an Arduino Uno runs fine with a 4D Systems while a standard 16-bit parallel screen requires a more expensive Arduino Mega2560. |
Two Operating Modes
The 4D Systems screens operate in two modes:
I've developed the Serial_LCD Library Suite for the SGC serial mode. It brings high-level graphics and GUI controls, like the dialog box shown right. The library operates with all the screens based on either 8-bit Goldelox or 16-bit Picaso on SGC serial mode. The Serial_LCD Library Suite is now replied by the LCD_screen Library Suite. |