Segger J-Link with Adafruit Feather nRF52840
The Adafruit Feather nRF52840 features a 2x5 0.05" SWD connector.
Adafruit provides a full tutorial for debugging at Can I use GDB to debug my nRF52832? with Segger J-Link and JLinkGDBServer. |
Both command-line J-Link and GUI-based Ozone can be used to debug against the Adafruit Feather nRF52840 board.
The J-Link Edu can power the board, contrary to the J-Link Edu mini which requires an external power source. Because the Adafruit Feather nRF52 boards run on FreeRTOS, J-Link requires specific plug-ins. Ozone manages FreeRTOS better than the command-line J-Link utility and is thus strongly recommended. |
Ozone manages both uploading the executable to the board and then debugging with the Download and Reset Program option.
Breakpoints can be defined within Ozone directly, or set on Xcode before launching the Debug target. The nRF52840 relies on FreeRTOS.
Segger provides all the needed documentation at Ozone — OS Aware Debugging. |
Posted: 26 Dec 2019