hV_Graphics — Histogram
The histogram graphic displays one value on a time axis.
The gHistogram is a class and contains, apart from the constructor, two functions: dDefine and draw. Temporary minimum and maximum values can be noticed with a green and red dot. All parameters are integers with an optional unit. An histogram is declared with the gHistogram class:
The gHistogram class has two functions:
The memory option keeps and displays the local maximum and minimum values up to the number of times set, here 8 by default and pictured on top pf the page.
Setting memory to zero removes that feature, as pictured right. The lapse option ensures the values are distanced in time by the number of milliseconds provided. |
The continuity option manages how values are displayed once the right side has been reached.
With continuity turned off, a moving vertical cursor separates new and old values. When the cursor has reached the right side, it starts over from the left side. Then new values are printed on top of old values. This is the default option. |
With continuity turned on, previous values are shifted to the left so new values are added to the right.
The whole graph seems to be animated. |
To display more than one series of values, consider the Multiple graph instead.