Adafruit Feather M0
Adafruit has launched a new format of boards: the Feather boards feature an MCU while the Feather Wing boards are add-on modules. All boards share the same compact size and include a connector for a battery and a micro-USB connector.
The Feather M0 board is based on the same 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ SAMD21 from Atmel as the Arduino.CC Zero and the Arduino.ORG M0 Pro. The SAMD21 MCU features 256 kB of Flash and 32 kB of RAM and runs at 48 MHz. Different variants of the Feather M0 include a prototyping area, a SD-card slot, WiFi, Bluetooth (BLE) or LoRA. |
The board includes all the connections for debugging with SWD, although available on the bottom of the board and only as pads.
I managed to upload and debug with the Segger J-Link on embedXcode. |
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Wrap-Up |