Segger J-Link with Adafruit Feather nRF52832
The Adafruit Feather nRF52832 provisions pads for a surface-mounted 2x5 0.05" SWD connector.
Adafruit provides a full tutorial for debugging at Can I use GDB to debug my nRF52832? with Segger J-Link and JLinkGDBServer. |
Soldering the SWD connector was neither easy nor difficult, it just required a sharp solder iron tip and patience. Let's hope next iteration of the board would come with the SWD connector soldered.
Because the Adafruit Feather nRF52 boards run on FreeRTOS, J-Link requires specific plug-ins. Ozone manages FreeRTOS better than the command-line J-Link utility and is thus strongly recommended. |
Posted: Aug 08, 2017