microSD-Card BoosterPack
Up to now, the SD-card BoosterPacks were only 20-pin and didn't offered pass-through pins to stack other BoosterPacks on top.
The microSD-card BoosterPack uses 40 pass-through pins an fit compatible with 20- as well as 40-pin LaunchPads. It is designed by Sakoman, manufactured by CircuitCo and thus displayed on the BoosterPackDepot repository, and finally sold by BoardZoo. |
The microSD-card is driven using the standard SPI pins.
The pin for the two additional signals, Chip Select and Card Detect, can be selected among 4 options. Just place a shunt on the desired position, Chip Select on the left (J5) and Card Detect on the right (J6). This provides a great flexibility and compatibility with other SPI-based BoosterPacks. |
Software and Libraries
There is no official Energia library but I'm using the port of the FatFS library available at
Keep in mind that SD-card requires at least 512 bytes for buffering, so you cant use it on the MSP430G2553 MCU. Take the MSP430F5529 and the Stellaris now Tiva C LaunchPads instead. |
The Card Detect pin detects the presence of an microSD-card.
Here's a basic implementation for card detection: the green LED lights on when a card is inserted, otherwise the red LED is on. This Card Detect feature is optional. If you want to free one pin, just remove the shunt from the J6 connector. |
#define CARD_DETECT PA_2 void setup() { pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(GREEN_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(CARD_DETECT, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(CARD_DETECT)) { digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, HIGH); } delay(500); } |
Pins Map
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