I²C Voltage-Current-Power INA219 Sensor
The only remaining operations concern the scaling.
Code Editor
An INA219 object is declared and initialised by begin().
Code Editor
Acquisition and retrieval are separated.
Acquisition for all values is done by get(), while there are as many functions as measures, with mV(), mA() and mW(). |
Code Editor
Two Applications
I designed two applications.
The first is a V-A-W-metre displayed on a terminal windows connected through serial/USB to the LaunchPad. Minimum and maximum are monitored for each of the three measures. The push button selects between V-A-W and mV-mA-mW, resets the minima and maxima, and exits. This application comes with the library and requires only Binary sketch size: 6312 bytes (of a 16384 byte maximum) Estimated SRAM used: 232 bytes |
The second application I've explored uses a 128x64 high-contrast white-on-black OLED screen.
The push button selects between V-A-W and mV-mA-mW, resets the minima and maxima, and changes the decimal separator between point and coma. I built two versions:
The different screens, from left to right: splash screen, measures in mV-mA-mW, measures in V-A-W with point and comma as decimal separator.
Selecting the function with the push button, from left to right: ./m. change of units, =0 reset, ., decimal separator, __ cancel.
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